Saturday, January 01, 2011

There is no "tomorrow" there is only today . . . "tomorrow" is a narcotic for not dealing with today . . .


Best wishes for a prosperous 2011. I am creating 2011 as the year for a future of creativity, innovation and pleasant surprises!

Be an organizational leader in creativity, innovation and pleasant surprises!

Creativity produces something new - a new solution to a problem, a new "conversation" or a new product/service. Create an environment rich with ideas and originality of thinking. Allow and embrace the apparent disorder, contradiction, and imbalance brought on by creativity - see it as a challenge.

Innovation is the act of renewal - out with the old and in with the new! Look around and see what needs a "face-lift" - an upgrade to an existing product, process or program.For renewal to take place it is necessary for people to change the way they make decisions, they must choose to do things differently, make choices outside of their norm; therefore they need to see things newly.

Surprise yourself - allow for the unexpected, let yourself be "taken by" that which brings wonder and delight. Embrace the newness, the freshness, and the aliveness of what has yet fully matured. You don't have to have it all figured out.

Bob Being Bob

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