John Cage tells us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. His advice: "begin anywhere".
Leaders don't look for the "right" place to begin - they just begin - and see what happens. If what is happening is a fit for what they are looking to generate they keep going. If what is happening is not a fit for what they are looking to generate they stop (see last Thursday's blog), and begin somewhere else.
When you "begin anywhere" it allows for growth. Growth isn't something that happens to you - you have to allow for it. You have to let your experiences shape you, impact you, and touch you.
Look around - what experiences are you letting change you, shape you, create you - and ultimately allowing for your growth as a leader? Beginning today write down what experience has "shaped or touched" you everyday - and then ask yourself how it has allowed you to see the world newly - how it has contributed to your growth.
Let go - it is good for you.
Bob Being Bob
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